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Personal Marketing and Advertising Exposure Ideas

Set Yourself Up To Be Seen EVERYWHERE
Your goal with personal marketing and advertising is to appear as though you are the area expert and to be seen everywhere. You can run campaigns with specific offerings that people can sign up for or request to get immediate leads; however, you also want to position yourself so that if they are thinking about a move, you are top of mind.

Drive the main and the secondary traffic routes to determine what opportunities exist for signage and advertising. Are some roads better than others for traffic? Do some locations have better visibility than others? Remember, you don’t have an unlimited budget, so you need to make sure you are spending your dollars on the highest impact opportunities. 

Personal Marketing and Advertising Exposure Ideas:

  • Bus benches
  • Branded garage sale signage for people to use
  • Community newsletters advertising
  • Become a content contributor for a community newsletter
  • Sponsorship
    • sports team
    • a local event
    • a fundraiser
  • Hire local teenagers to offer free services. Use branded coveralls and/or vehicles:
    • mow lawns
    • shovel snow
    • pick up litter
    • junk removal

Implement a few of your campaigns at the same time for synergy. For example, sit an open house and then have a branded team offer to mow lawns on that same street at the same time. Paint the street with your branding. 

Open Houses – A New Spin On An Old Concept

Sit open houses in your farm area for your own and other CIR agents’ listings:

  • Plan these in advance
  • Use tons of signage
  • Deliver invitations to meet the neighbours

Cold Calling and Door Knocking

Call the people in your database that have been neglected, or go door-to-door to introduce yourself to people in your target neighbourhood. Get permission to add them to your newsletter or add them to your mailing list for email or traditional mail.

Do not cold-call or door-knock without a plan! You need to offer something of value. It may be something can opt in to (like your newsletter or other report), or you can invite them to an event, exclusive open-house, etc.

Don’t forget the 3 C’s of Marketing!

  • Compelling content – Offer a solution to a problem, interesting community information, your branded report or newsletter, invitation to an event, etc.
  • Consent – Get their permission to add them to your distribution list or database.
  • Consistency – Follow-up is key! Once you have their permission to add them to your database, maintain consistent contact with them so you are top of mind when the time comes for them to buy or sell.

Learn About Their Lifestyle If They Allow It
After you have provided them with something of value, ask them questions (if they allow it and if it fits with the conversation):

  • How long have you lived here?
  • Have you been following the market in your community?
  • How do you like living here?

Don’t close immediately… play the long game! Show genuine interest in getting to know them and use the information you learn to help build on your relationship. Remember, you want them to know, like, and trust you so they will use you for their next real estate transaction.

Investigate “Telelistings” for phone number data

Additional Concepts

Eight touches in eight weeks
Quickly become the expert

Test Small
Choose a single postal walk to start



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