Our REALTORS have 24/7 access to a team of 8
managers that, on average, can answer important REALTOR and client questions within 5 minutes of being asked. Your questions can be blasted out to our team so that it gets answered quickly and by the person with the most expertise in the area.
How does it work?
From your Virtual Office, open the Quick Connect App and choose who you would like to direct your question to. You can pick a single manager, our entire group of managers, our team of in-house mortgage specialists or a lawyer from MacKay Law or Kahane Law. Simply type in your question, let us know if you would like to be contacted via email or telephone, and hit send. Our average response rate. along with the response rate of our partner lawyers and mortgage specialists, is often within 5 minutes or less!
For urgent questions, our entire management team gets paged and the paging will continue until you have been responded to.
At CIR, you will never have to wait for a response to an urgent question ever again.
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