Wednesday, September 2, 2020 9:30am—12pm Facilitator – Todd Skoby Exclusively on Zoom This course will be instructed through zoom. All course materials will be ready for pickup at your office. You will receive a text message once they are complete and a hard copy will be in your mail folder every week along with an...
EVERYTHING Instagram | Personal vs Business Pages, Linking Accounts, What & When to Post and Hashtages On Bluestream Presented by Annie Demello, CIR REALTOR® Wednesday September 2, 2020 1:00pm to 2:30pm Are you using Instagram to its fullest extent? Want to know more, and how to use those Hashtags. Annie Demello, CIR REALTOR® is hosting this...
Wednesday, September 9, 2020 9:30am—12pm Facilitator – Todd Skoby Exclusively on Zoom This course will be instructed through zoom. All course materials will be ready for pickup at your office. You will receive a text message once they are complete and a hard copy will be in your mail folder every week along with an...
Killer Negotiation Strategies - Todd Skoby Thursday, Sept 10 1:00pm - 2:30pm In this class we investigate the traditional negotiation strategies that have been taught to sales professionals worldwide for decades and how to respond to control the situation. We then look at how modern negotiations have evolved to create scenarios closer to win-win and creative ways to...
Commercial Strategy Group with Tim Crough Friday September 11 9:30AM - 11AM Join us for our inaugural Commercial Strategy Group meeting for Realtors who are practicing commercial real estate at CIR REALTY. This session will be filled with collaboration and discussions to help everyone get access to the information they need to better run their...
Put Prospects CRM To Work For You - Improve Client Connectons with Prospects 3.0 Presented by Gary Williamson, CIR REALTOR® September 15 9:30—11am Exclusively through Zoom! Gary Williamson is a fellow CIR REALTOR® who has deeply integrated the database into his business. Gary will share with us how he tracks and keeps in touch...
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 9:30am—12pm Facilitator – Todd Skoby Exclusively on Zoom This course will be instructed through zoom. All course materials will be ready for pickup at your office. You will receive a text message once they are complete and a hard copy will be in your mail folder every week along with an...
How to Create Facebook Ads that WORK Friday September 18 9:30am - 11:00am Facebook Ads are a powerful, affordable tool for lead generation in your real estate business. Find out how to get started and the fundamentals of working with the Ads Manager. In addition, we will explore some best practices to create Ads that...
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 9:30am—12pm Facilitator – Todd Skoby Exclusively on Zoom This course will be instructed through zoom. All course materials will be ready for pickup at your office. You will receive a text message once they are complete and a hard copy will be in your mail folder every week along with an...
The Future of the Real Estate Professional - Insights & Solutions for the Coming Year Presented by Richard Robbins, Richard Robbins International Thursday, September 24 9:30—11am Exclusive Online Webinar! Join Richard Robbins, World-Class Real Estate Coach for this special virtual broadcast. We know advances in Real Estate technologies were already moving at warp speed prior...
Everything CIR (Part 2) Powerful Marketing & Business Building Tools Presented by Lindsey Smith, CIR's Manager of Operations & Co-Owner Thursday September 24 1:00pm to 2:30pm Exclusively on Bluestream Your business can be virtually turn-key by tapping into CIR’s powerful marketing resources and business tools. From elegantly designed presentations to easy-to-customize feature sheets and business...
How Not To Get Sued - Jeff Kahane Tuesday, September 29th 9:30am - 11:00am Blue Course (Zoom Webinars) Learn the most frequent errors that lawyers see REALTORS make and practical advice that may reduce the likelihood of being sued (even if a mistake was made). The main areas covered are: RPR's, Condos, Dower issues,...
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 9:30am—12pm Facilitator – Todd Skoby Exclusively on Zoom This course will be instructed through zoom. All course materials will be ready for pickup at your office. You will receive a text message once they are complete and a hard copy will be in your mail folder every week along with an...