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Everything CIR Part 2 by Lindsey Smith

Exclusively on Zoom

Everything CIR (Part 2) Powerful Marketing & Business Building Tools Presented by Lindsey Smith, CIR's Manager of Operations & Co-Owner Thursday April 29, 2021 1:00pm - 2:30pm Exclusive Zoom Webinar

Death, Probate and Powers of Attorney

Exclusively on Zoom

Death, Probate and Powers of Attorney Presented by Jeff Kahane, Kahane Law office Tuesday May 4, 2021 9:30—10:30am Exclusively through Zoom! Working with clients where a power of attorney, or a death is involved adds an additional layer of complexity to the transaction that must be carefully considered. Who has the decision making power? Whose...

Ninja Selling Strategy Group

Exclusively on Zoom

1 - 2:30 pm Presented by Lindsey Smith, CIR REALTY Manager of Operations & Co-owner Exclusive Zoom Meeting! If you are following the Ninja Selling path, then this group will help to reinforce the Ninja skills and concepts to help you increase your per hour income on your way to mastery. TSW! **** The Group...

How To Ask for and Keep Referrals

Exclusively on Zoom

How To Ask For and Keep Referrals Presented by Vonny Fast and Bob Alexander May 6, 2021 9am to 10:30am   Join Vonny Fast, Sr. Gifting Specialist at CUTCO Closing Gifts and Bob Alexander, Accredited Mortgage Professional for a master class in building and nurturing a resilient repeat and referred based business. Both experts in...

CIR REALTY Business Strategy Groups

Exclusively on Zoom

                Our CIR Business Strategy Group is focused on building a successful real estate business from your first transaction to positioning yourself for unlimited growth. Learn, brainstorm and collaborate on the habits, systems and strategies that need to be implemented to build a business to support the lifestyle...

Ninja Selling Strategy Groups

CIR Professional Development Centre 130, 703 64 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

                The Ninja Mentality - Ninja Selling Strategy Group Presented by Lindsey Smith, CIR REALTY's Manager of Operations & Co-owner Tuesday, April 20, 2021 1–2:30 pm Exclusive Zoom Meeting! If you are following the Ninja Selling path, then this group will help to reinforce the Ninja skills and...

Drafting the Perfect Clause, Create Custom Terms & Conditions

Exclusively on Zoom

Drafting the Perfect Clause, Create Custom Terms & Conditions Presented by Ryan Smith, CIR REALTOR® Thursday, May 13th 1—2:30pm Exclusive Zoom Webinar! We often need to add terms and conditions into a contract to suit our client's particular needs. Making sure these clauses have the intended outcome is critical to our success in representing our...

Commercial Strategy Group

Exclusively on Zoom

Commercial Strategy Group Facilitated by Tim Crough, CIR REALTOR® Friday, May 14th, 2021 9:30—11am Exclusive Zoom Meeting! Join us for our Commercial Strategy Group meeting for REALTORS® who are practicing commercial real estate at CIR REALTY. This session will be filled with collaboration and discussions to help everyone get access to the information they need...

The Net Worth of Your Network – Presented by Elise Montgomery

Exclusively on Zoom

The Net Worth of Your Network - Presented by Elise Montgomery Monday May 17, 2021 1:00pm - 02:30pm Did you know you are sitting on a MULTIPLE SIX FIGURE BUSINESS? Want to know where it's hiding? In your network. Want to know the easiest and fastest way to build your net worth in real estate? Your...

Ninja Selling Strategy Group

Exclusively on Zoom

1 - 2:30 pm Presented by Lindsey Smith, CIR REALTY Manager of Operations & Co-owner Exclusive Zoom Meeting! If you are following the Ninja Selling path, then this group will help to reinforce the Ninja skills and concepts to help you increase your per hour income on your way to mastery. TSW! **** The Group...

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