CIR REALTY is renowned for our industry leading Professional Development programs. We value education and have made it our mandate to have the best trained Realtors in our marketplace.


Every week our Realtors are offered training
on industry fundamentals, new business
practices and changing technology. We
regularly host leading industry experts from
across North America to train our Realtors
in a broad range of topics such as
outstanding customer service, negotiation and

Internally, we offer full 6-8 week beginner,
intermediate and expert courses that challenge
our Realtors and bring their expertise to
the next level. In addition to live and online
training, we offer video and article libraries
filled with hundreds of in-house real estate skill
development videos and documents that are
always accessible for your convenience.

2½ hour weekly classes in addition to hands-on assignments throughout the week.

The goal of this program is two-fold: first, to give
you the experience and confidence to represent clients, and second, to help you immediately begin engaging in income producing activities, whether you are new to the business or looking to refresh your real estate business skills.

DAY 1 – Your Key Activities & Business Foundation
DAY 2 – Marketing Pillars
DAY 3 – Working with Buyers
DAY 4 – CMA’s, Pricing & Market Statistics
DAY 5 – Working with Sellers
DAY 6 – Representation, Contracts & Negotiation

DAY 1 – Turning Pro: Beating Motivation & Getting the Right Stuff Done
DAY 2 – Making it Rain: [Part 1] Generating an Overflow of Leads
DAY 3 – Making it Rain: [Part 2] Generating an Overflow of Leads
DAY 4 – Unlimited Business Growth: Staff, Teams, & Your Freedom
DAY 5 – Systems Building: Streamlining Your Business
DAY 6 – Compelling Communication: Mastering Scripts & Presentations

  • Course Introduction & the Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Lead Generation & Open Houses
  • Working with Buyers
  • CMAs & Property Information
  • CMAs & Listing Presentations
  • Listing Process & Paperwork
  • Real Estate Review
  • Condominiums
  • Statistics, Matrix & Special Properties
  • Lead Generation & Referrals
  • Listing & Other Business Marketing
  • Offers & Industry Relationships
  • Explaining Your Value to Your Clients


Course Introduction & the Fundamentals

Week One

Intro to Lead Generation
& Open Houses

Week Two

with Buyers

Week Three

& Property Information

Week Four

& Listing Presentations

Week Five

Seller Process
& Paperwork

Week Six

Real Estate
Review & Condominiums

Week Seven

& Special Properties

Week Eight

Lead Generation
& Referrals

Week Nine

Marketing Strategies

Week Ten

& Industry Relationships

Week Eleven

Builders & Communicating Your Value

Week Twelve


Key Activities & Business Foundation

Week One

Where do you start to build a strong, stable real estate business right from day one? What if you want to review your existing business and determine which area could use some attention? Day 1 of the Bachelor Program will provide you with in-depth checklists and the first steps that you must take to lay the foundation for your real estate business. From setting up your basic financial systems to engaging potential clients in your first week, come prepared to take action on building a successful real estate business.


Week Two

Relying on one or two marketing strategies to grow your business is very dangerous. You need multiple sources of leads for long term sustainability across all market conditions. With this said, agents are notorious for a lack of focus on strategic marketing initiatives and consistent implementation over time. Find out what marketing options Realtors have and how to assemble a long term set of marketing pillars that you can master to create multiple streams of income.

with Buyers

Week Three

Asking buyers to sign an exclusive representation agreement requires them to see the value in your services. What is your process when working with buyers and what sets you apart from other Realtors? How do you communicate this value to your buying clients? In this session, we will discuss the basic processes that need to be systematized when working with buyers and how you can add enormous value to your clients by addressing their exact fears and solving their biggest challenges.

CMAs, Pricing & Market Statistics

Week Four

The ability to price homes accurately and to gather basic statistical data in order to interpret the market conditions are critical skills you must master. Working with sellers and buyers alike requires market knowledge and the requirement to complete CMA’s on your clients’ current and future homes. We will cover the process you need to complete a CMA and where to find, and how to interpret, the key statistics that matter to your clients the most.

with Sellers

Week Five

Sellers invest a substantial amount of money into a Realtor to get their home sold. They rely on an agent to have effective marketing skills and a strong understanding of the selling process. In this class, we will address the specific processes that need to be in place when working with sellers. We will also dissect traditional marketing issues and offer modern solutions to get maximum exposure to your client’s home and the highest sale price possible.

Contracts & Negotiation

Week Six

Our clients are expected to sign legally binding documents that have important implications to each clause. A high level of understanding of each of these agreements is imperative to offering your clients proper representation. In this course, we will be examining critical clauses in some of the important documents your clients will need to use for their transactions. Hand in hand with preparing and completing contracts is your ability to negotiate favourable terms and price for yourself and your clients. We will discuss the most common and most modern negotiation strategies that will dramatically increase your odds of getting the best deal possible for your client’s goals.


Turning Pro—
Beating Motivation and Getting the Right
Stuff Done

Week One

In this session we will explore the most cutting edge concepts available to get yourself doing the right tasks, consistently on a daily basis. You will learn how to approach enormous goals, how to clearly identify your priorities, how to show up regardless of your motivation, and much more. It is time to turn pro in your business and begin creating the results you have always wanted.

Making it Rain—Generating An Overflow of Leads [Part 1]

Week Two

A real estate business will die without leads. The most productive Realtors in North America have a variety of predictable lead generation systems that produce an abundance of new and repeat business. In this two-part class, you will learn specific strategies how to generate more leads than you are able to service and how to track your results for maximum efficiency.

Making it Rain—Generating An Overflow of Leads [Part 2]

Week Three

A Continuation: A real estate business will die without leads. The most productive Realtors in North America have a variety of predictable lead generation systems that produce an abundance of new and repeat business. In this two-part class, you will learn specific strategies how to generate more leads than you are able to service and how to track your results for maximum efficiency.

Unlimited Business Growth—Staff,
Teams, and Your Freedom

Week Four

Real estate has traditionally been a business that lacks leverage and therefore most Realtor’s businesses never realize their full potential. In this session, you will learn how to duplicate your efforts by introducing staff into your business and how to create a team model. Done correctly, staff and teams can provide you with virtually unlimited freedom and income.

Building—Streamlining Your Business

Week Five

It is virtually impossible to produce consistent results in your business without systems. Your long-term marketing results, the level of client service you are able to consistently offer, the quantity time you spend on paperwork and your overall effectiveness is all dependent on your systems. We will look at how to build new systems from scratch and current best practices for streamlining your business operations.

Compelling Communication—Mastering Scripts and Presentations

Week Six

From prospecting and compelling people to hire you, to guiding clients and negotiations, you must have the tools and skills required to get your ideas across effectively. In this session, we will look at powerful concepts to easily increase the quality of your communication. In addition, we will explore common scenarios and sample scripts you can use as a foundation to assist in confidently navigating the conversation.